AIT-9600.cfm Test Script     {ts '2024-10-03 07:42:18'}       03-Oct-24   07:42 AM       Rev 3/12/2020 11:20

Test Description     (0)
0 nop Does nothing. It's just here to prove the form works.
1 Test 1 Does nothing. Place holder.
2 Test 2 This will display an undefined variable name.
If you use it, click your BACK button to return to this form.
3 Test 3 Same error as in number 2, but this one includes a CFFLUSH to show what should happen.

This will display an undefined variable name.
THIS SHOULD ERROR OUT but with a cfflush.
If you use this option, this form should still show at the top and should be active.
(Recursive link back to this script)

-------- Option 0:     0 - NO ACTION

END OF SCRIPT       Anything that follows is from ColdFusion debuging.