ETRAK Is AIT's Exclusive "Container Track and Trace" software. As an AIT Customer you can log into our web site at any time and check the status of all of your containers. From the time we receive the order to the time it's dropped back at the rail you can track the container's location. What's more, we'll notify you, and any of your employees, at each step of the job.
Proof of Delivery is also provided on-line. We post a scanned copy of the actual POD on our web site. When you need a POD just click and print. It's that easy.
Want to see it in action? You can log in as a "demo" customer and see for yourself. Click the ETRAK link at the top of the left menu. At the log in screen use:
company: demo, Login ID: demo, and password: password.
ETRAK Help Text
INDEX: rev 9/07/2012
Proof of Delivery
E-Mail Notifications
ETRAK is your tool to track and trace your containers. You can look at all of your containers, or certain ones, or those in a particular "status".
ETRAK is very easy to use. The first time you come to the screen all of your containers will be listed. That may be all that you need. If you want to target certain information, here's how the screen works:
Screen parts:
The screen has two sections.
The top part has a few fields you can fill in. It also has a "Run Query" button. You set up what you want to see then click "Run Query" to load those containers.
The second section is a table showing all of you containers, or the ones you've asked to see. The top row of that table has a line of "radio buttons" in each column. You can select one of those buttons to see only those containers that are in that status.
The specific for those boxes and buttons follow:
Container ID:
If you want to look at a particular container, or a group of containers, just put the number here and click "Run Query".
You don't have to enter the entire container ID. If you enter "123", you'll see all containers that have "123" anywhere in their ID. If you enter "YMLU" you'll see all containers that contain those letters in their ID.
You can also specify a date range. Any container that has any activity in that date range will be shown.
You enter dates as a month, day, year string with no punctuation. That is: 111507 for November 12, 2007.
If you want just ONE day, just enter the first date and leave the second one blank.
When you specifiy a date the container is not looked at. You get all containers that had activity on the days that you ask for.
Radio Buttons:
The buttons across the rows let you select containers that are in a particular status.
- ALL:
Gives you all active containers. Once a container has been
returned to the yard it is no longer active.
- Order:
An order has been received but the container has not
been picked up yet.
- Appt
An appointment has been scheduled but the container
has not been picked up yet.
- Pull
Containers that have been pulled to a yard waiting delivery.
- Delivery
Containers that have been delivered.
- Empty
Containers that have been reported as empty but have
not been picked up.
- Pickup
Containers that have been picked up.
- Return
HISTORY. When you select this option you get containers
that have been reported as returned to the rail.
Once a container is back at the rail the Pro ticket is considered closed but those tickets are not deleted from the AIT computer.
If you use the "Returned" button, you should ALSO enter a container ID or a date range. If you don't you could get a very long list of containers!
- ALL:
Gives you all active containers. Once a container has been
returned to the yard it is no longer active.
Each time a POD is received it is scanned and stored on the AIT computer. When we have a POD on file you'll see a POD link at the right end of the container row. Click on that link to see the POD in a separate window.
POD's are stored as PDF files. You'll need Acrobat Reader to view POD's. That's a stadard feature on almost all computers but can be downloaded if you don't have it.
ETRAK HISTORY: At every step of a PRO order's life the software logs history. If you see a HIST link it means that you can view this history.
ETRAK E-MAIL Notifications: If you'd like to receive an e-mail notification when a container moves, just let us know.
E-mails can be sent to as many people as you want. You can also specify which e-mails each person receives. You may have one person that wants notifications at every step in a container's history. You may also have people who only want notifiation of certain events, like a delivery or a return.
The events that a person can be notified of are:
Order received
Appointment made
Container pulled
Rail Billed